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Carol Michaels
Oct 22, 2016
Weight Loss Over the Age of 50
People over 50 will lose weight slowly due to slower metabolisms, hormonal changes, and decreased muscle mass. Medical conditions can...

Carol Michaels
Oct 16, 2016
Getting Motivated to Exercise
Need help getting motivated to get back to exercise? Starting an exercise program is difficult, but so rewarding. All types of moderate ex

Carol Michaels
Oct 11, 2016
Working out at Home
Can you get all the exercise you need by working out at home? It depends on the individual. Are they disciplined and have knowledge and expe

Carol Michaels
Oct 6, 2016
Maintaining an Exercise Program
*Write down all the reasons maintain an exercise program: more energy, better mood, improved energy, feel better, etc. *Schedule your exerc
Carol Michaels
Sep 30, 2016
Not Motivated to Exercise?
What is the motivation to get back to exercise? An exercise program will improve your overall health. It can help your heart, bones, and...

Carol Michaels
Sep 30, 2016
Did You Fall off the Fitness Wagon?
If one has not exercised for a long period of time it is recommended to ease back into an exercise program. If you restart from the place...

Carol Michaels
Sep 25, 2016
Kettlebells- Burn Calories, Build Muscle, and Boost Metabolism
Using kettlebells is one of the most efficient ways to build muscle and burn calories. In one workout, you can strengthen muscles and...
Carol Michaels
Sep 15, 2016
Did You Fall Off the Exercise Wagon?
If one has not exercised for a long period of time it is recommended to ease back into an exercise program. If you restart from the place...

Carol Michaels
Aug 27, 2016
Fitness May Decrease the Risk of Disease
Make time for fitness in order to decrease the risk of disease. Guidelines recommend people get about 150 minutes of moderate exercise a...
Carol Michaels
Aug 25, 2016
20 Minute Park Work Out
20 minute park workoutThe basic components of fitness are aerobic, strength, flexibility, balance, and posture. Those components of a good f
Carol Michaels
Aug 23, 2016
Only 30 Minutes to Work Out?
Some basic components of fitness are aerobic, strength, flexibility, balance, and posture. The components of a good fitness routine can...

Katie Rosenbrock
Jul 15, 2016
Why All Women Need Strength Training
The school of thought has definitely become less common, but there are still many women who avoid strength training (e.g. lifting...
Carol Michaels Fitness
Jun 20, 2016
Exercise for Ulcerative Colitis
Those coping with ulcerative colitis need to find ways to decrease stress levels. Breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety. When...

Carol Michaels Fitness
May 25, 2016
Back Pain? When Strengthening the Core Make Sure to Include the Butt
We are always told to strengthen our core when we suffer from back pain. There is a debate on which muscles are part of the core but in...

Carol Michaels
Apr 25, 2016
No Pain No Gain is OUT
Some of us are working too hard at out jobs and are taking that same intensity to the gym by exercising too hard. This just leads to...

Carol Michaels
Feb 24, 2016
Treating a Strained Muscle
A strain (pull) is a tear in the muscle or tendon. It can be a tiny tear or a large tear (rupture). Intense stretching, repetitive...

Beth Puliti: About Sports
Dec 21, 2015
13 Ways to Avoid Winter Weight Gain
Want to maintain your fitness, but don’t want to turn down extra stuffing or homemade cookies? Don’t worry, you can have your cake and...
Carol Michaels
Aug 28, 2015
Is it time to change your exercise routine?
We tend to stick to things we are familiar with and are good at performing. But when it comes to your workouts, if you want to keep...
Guest Post from Urban Wired
Aug 12, 2015
Exercises to Cope with Arthritis
Arthritis is an ailment that is a major impediment to how you work and move. With your joints becoming hard and stiff, any sort of...
Carol Michaels
Jul 1, 2015
The Role of Exercise in a Survivorship Plan
There are numerous issues that need to be covered in a survivorship plan. I will focus on physical activity. Exercise is an important...
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