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Carol Michaels
Feb 28, 2020
Strength Training and Balance Exercises for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a silent disease because it progresses without visible symptoms. There are no symptoms in the early stages. Most people...

Carol Michaels
Jun 21, 2019
How Do I Find the Right Exercise Program
Start by taking a private session or a class before you commit. Do not sign up for a lengthy expensive program without checking out...
Cathleen Kronemer
May 26, 2019
Exercise as Preventative Medicine
In many countries outside of the United States, public health focuses on prevention rather than cure. Strict Western medicine tends to...

Carol Michaels
Apr 27, 2019
Exercises for Osteoporosis-Posture
Our bodies are always breaking down bone and replacing it with new bone. In the reabsorption stage, the old bone is broken down and in...

Carol Michaels
Jan 11, 2019
Osteoporosis Exercise
Personal trainers who are working with clients over the age of 50, should learn about the prevention, treatment and management of...

Carol Michaels Fitness
Dec 21, 2018
The Benefits of Exercise for Heart Health
Resistance training also has heart healthy benefits. It increases blood flow and may lead to longer lasting blood pressure control. It helps

Carol Michaels
Oct 7, 2018
Exercise for Posture Improvement
There are several stretches that you can perform that will help you to have better posture. That can be done several times a day.
G.M. Filisko
Jun 26, 2018
15 Ways Your Lifestyle Should Change as You Age
Your workouts should be changing as you age.

Carol Michaels
Apr 26, 2018
Using Light Weights May Not be Sufficient for Bone Health
In order to keep our bones dense we must perform weight bearing exercises and strength training. Using light weights in your exercise...

Carol Michaels Fitness
Jan 24, 2018
Easing Back to Exercise-Personal Training and Fitness Classes in Palm Beach
If one has not exercised for a long period of time, it is recommended to slowly ease back into an exercise program. If you restart from...

Carol Michaels
Dec 30, 2017
Exercising for Weight Loss
Are you exercising properly for weight loss? If you have been pounding the pavement or the treadmill with nothing to show for it, perhaps...

Carol Michaels
Nov 28, 2017
Selecting a Personal Trainer
The first thing to look for is the certification of the trainer. Some certifications require little effort and education. This is an...

Carol Michaels
Oct 31, 2017
Exercise Can Decrease Arthritis Pain
Exercise can be helpful for people with arthritis. A good exercise program increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and...

Carol Michaels
Jun 2, 2017
This Osteoporosis exercise and education two part series will be helpful to those interested in learning about the prevention, treatment...

Carol Michaels
May 13, 2017
Exercising After Age 50 to Prevent Heart Disease
Exercising as we age is crucial in order to decease our risk of heart disease. Exercise decreases the risk of developing high...
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