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Carol Michaels
Nov 10, 2022
Integrating Exercise and Health Practices During the Holidays
The holidays are fun and sometimes stressful. There can be holiday parties, family obligations, and eating temptations. How many of you...

Carol Michaels
Aug 26, 2022
When is the Best Time to Work Out?
I generally recommend exercising first thing in the morning so that you are able to exercise without having interruptions. When are you...

Carol Michaels
Jun 4, 2022
Stretching is one of the basic components of fitness. The goal is to improve your range of motion, which is the degree of movement that...

Carol Michaels
Sep 23, 2021
Do you Know the Side Effects of Your Prescription Drugs?
The number of people who suffer from chronic disease is on the rise. This becomes more pronounced as our lifespan increases. ...
Carol Michaels
May 23, 2021
Motivation to Exercise
Overall Health Benefit An exercise program will improve your overall health. Just think of all the benefits of exercise. It can improve...

Carol Michaels
May 2, 2021
Getting Results From Your Exercise Routine
If you want to take off weight, you have to start changing your exercise routine.

Carol Michaels
Mar 28, 2021
Under-desk Ellipticals
From an Interview with the US News and World Report: How does an underdesk elliptical work exactly? It sits under the desk and you just...

Carol Michaels
Feb 9, 2021
Sedentary Behavior
From the Health interview: What are some of the negative effects of increased sedentary behavior? If one is sitting all day it can cause...

Carol Michaels
Nov 22, 2020
Oncology Exercise - Breast Cancer
The best exercises for someone recovering from breast cancer include aerobic exercise, strength training, stretching using relaxation...

Carol Michaels
Nov 15, 2020
Why are so Many People in Physical Therapy?
I am thrilled that people want to exercise which is especially important during the virus in order to have good immunity. Unfortunately,...
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