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Recovery Fitness A Cancer Exercise Program
Recovery Fitness A Cancer Exercise Program 2

A portion of all video and books sales are donated to charity.


Exercises for Cancer Survivors
Free E-Book about life after cancer for young adults

Click here for the free ebook

and newsletter.


NFPT Cancer Recovery Specialist

Earn 2 ACE CECs

Train-the-Trainer Fitness Classes


2016 IDEA Health & Fitness Personal
Trainer of the Year
Cancer Recovery Fitness®


Congratulations on your incredible award, the IDEA Fitness Personal Trainer of the Year.  It’s always so wonderful to see truly gifted people being recognized for their special talents and dedication.  -  Marissa G

The Recovery Fitness cancer exercise program has improved the strength, range of motion, and emotional health of my patients. The patients love it! - Jaqueline Heal, RN, Oncology Nurse, Navigator Newark Beth Israel

After working out with Carol Michaels twice a week for nine years, I am in the best shape of my life.  She uses a huge variety of equipment: balls, bars, free weights. Carol wants fitness to be fun and it is!  I always look forward to my sessions.  - Phyllis K.

Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation on exercise (and so much more) today at Barnabas Health. The hour went by so quickly because everyone was engaged in listening, watching and participating...a perfect formula for learning.  Your knowledge of both the appropriate, as well as inappropriate, exercises for people with osteoporosis is impressive.  You will be a hard act to follow! - Susan A.

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