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Virtual & Outdoor Personal & Small Group Fitness

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Carol Michaels Video Cover 1.jpg
Recovery Fitness A Cancer Exercise Program
Recovery Fitness A Cancer Exercise Program 2
A portion of book and video sales are donated to charity.

Carol's videos and DVDs are excellent for those who are recovering from cancer as well as those of us who want/need to get into shape.  Carol demonstrates in detail all the exercises and her manner is extremely informative. The DVDs clearly show everyone that these exercises can be done at home (or on the road) with very simple equipment. She is an awesome trainer and this DVD brings her training talent and knowledge to everyone – not just those of us who are privileged to be able to work with her personally. “The Recovery Fitness program is endorsed by the top physicians in the field” - great DVDs and videos that belongs in everyone’s fitness collection! - Pamela S.


Free E-Book about life after cancer for young adults
Exercises for Cancer Survivors
Train-the-Trainer Fitness Classes
NFPT Cancer Course
Get 2 ACE CECs
IDEA Health & Fitness 
Personal Trainer of the Year
Cancer Recovery Fitness®
What are people saying about us...

During Carol’s programs, patients are given excellent workouts and easy to follow exercises which include strength, posture and balance exercises using the correct form. Carol also shows the exercises that should be avoided for patients who suffer from bone loss. During Carol's classes, she discusses activities of daily living and lifestyle changes which can also help patients cope with the impact of osteoporosis. Her sessions improve quality of life and overall health.


  - Jeffrey Blonstein MD  Millburn, NJ

I recently started working out again, hoping to stick to it! My friend introduced me to Carol's class and I have been enjoying her classes thoroughly.  She varies the workouts so we are never bored.  Carol always makes sure that we work on strengthening the whole body, while maintaining good form. I've been to a number of trainers over the years, and Carol really stands out as one of the best. I'm feeling stronger every day and am grateful to have found her classes.  - Donna S.

Carol’s book and classes are wonderful. Very practical and geared for the special needs of her clients. Carol is very experienced and knowledgeable. - Patricia S.

I love the group fitness classes .  Every week is different because she changes up the routine. While nothing feels too hard, I always come out challenged — and sweaty. 

I’m new to Carol’s group fitness classes. I started at the end of last summer and within a few weeks had noticed a marked improvement in my strength and balance.  She’s extremely encouraging and very aware of my individual needs. While I’ve never been an athlete, I feel coordinated and capable under her direction.  

In addition, Carol emphasizes stretching, which is something I never made time for. After working with her, I have not only enhanced my flexibility, but have also found that I’m much less achy.  Both my mother and grandmother developed arthritis in their  50s. By signing up for Carol’s weekly sessions, I am, with her guidance and careful attention, doing my part to stave off my genetic history.   -  Elissa C.

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