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Exercise for Posture Improvement

Carol Michaels

shoulder stretch posture fitness exercise

“Double Chin” Neck Stretch

Look down toward your chest and pull your head and neck slightly back. Hold the stretch through a cycle of relaxation breathing. This stretch helps to counteract the postural habit many of us do unconsciously: a head forward posture.

Scapular Retraction

Hold your arms at your sides, elbows bent to create a 90oangle. Firmly squeeze your shoulder blades together as you draw your shoulders and elbows back. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as if trying to hold a walnut between them while, then release to the starting position.

Shoulder Extension

Lower your arms to your sides. Reach your arms behind your back and clasp your hands together, gently pulling your arms away from your body. Hold for a cycle of relaxation breathing. This will stretch your chest.

“VW” Stretch

Stand with your back to the wall and your elbows bent to form a “W” with palms facing forward. While keeping your shoulders and arms flat against the wall, slowly slide your arms up the wall until they form a “V”. Inhale for 5 seconds as you slide your arms up the wall, and exhale for 5 seconds as you slide them back down to the “W” position.

Seated Row

Sit up tall on the floor with your legs extended straight out in front of you with a resistance band wrapped around the bottom of both feet. Exhale as you pull your shoulders back, pulling the band back until your hands are next to your waist. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the back of the row. Inhale as you slowly release your arms forward until they are back in starting position.

Standing Anchored Row Variations

Inexpensive door anchors may be purchased for anchored band exercises. Anchor your resistance band at waist height with your arms extended out in front of you. Exhale as you pull your shoulders back, pulling the band back until your hands are next to your waist. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the back of the row. Inhale as you slowly release your arms forward until they are back in starting position. Perform 5-10 reps. Anchor your band high or low for variations on the row.

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