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Getting the Best Results from Your Osteoporosis Workout

Carol Michaels

The following is from a recent interview:

In general, can you share a sentence or two summing up the benefits of regular exercise?


Exercise improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and bones and improves balance, posture and mood. It can improve quality of life by making activities easier and more enjoyable. It can also reduce the chance of injury and can empower one physically and mentally.


What are the benefits of working out in the morning? Any downsides?


I generally recommend exercising first thing in the morning so that you can exercise without having interruptions. Morning exercisers decrease the chance of something developing during the day which may interfere with exercise.


What are the benefits of working out in the afternoon or evening? Any downsides?


The upside of an afternoon workout is that the gym may be empty with less distractions. Since many companies now have a gym available to their employees, a lunch time workout may be a good option, as long as there is a place to shower before returning to the office.


For those who exercise in the evening, exercising before going to sleep may cause one to be energized making it difficult to fall asleep. If you leave exercise for the end of the day, there is also a chance that something may interrupt or prevent you from working out.

Is there a "best" time of day to work out, and why?


Exercise whenever it best fits your schedule or your energy level.

Some people are early risers and can make time for a workout before they start their day, while some have more energy at the end of the day. The best time to exercise is whenever you can do the workout.


How can strength training benefit weight loss?

Strength training will increase your muscle mass, and muscle is metabolically active. The more muscle you have the more efficient your metabolism. Strength training will increase muscle mass, bone density, and decrease body fat.

.Any other tips you like to share with clients for how to maximize their workout or get the best results?


In order to get good results one must have good technique and be consistent.

Cardio is important for calorie burning, but you need more than just cardio workouts. An effective exercise plan includes cardio, strength training, balance, posture, flexibility, and relaxation exercises.


 If you want to get results, you must start changing your exercise routine. Examples: add an incline when using the treadmill, vary walking or running speeds, or when strength training, increase the amount of weight being used and learn new exercises. In addition, you might not be exercising as much or as intensely as you need to for weight loss.

Starting an exercise program is difficult, but so rewarding. All types of moderate exercise are beneficial. Think about the activities or sports that you enjoy and do them. Do you like to walk, ride a bicycle, or dance? If so, you can build your exercise program around the activity you find enjoyable



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